FinTech Literacy for everyone

Smart way to manage finance and learn how it works internally with our open source, publications, podcasts and events. Worldwide at any time for free.

Feature 01

Financial Instruments

From large cap stocks and govenment bonds to cryptocurrency and exotic devilatives. Option as insurance and Swap as exchange. And difference beetween CDO, CDS, CFD...

Feature 02

Risk Management

Delta of market movements, and sensitivity from interest rates. Time decay of options, and crypto volatility. Where is the line of stop loss and when to take profit.

Feature 03

Quantitive Finance

P versus Q: Probability of advanced statistics for risk and portfolio management against derivative valuation, arbitrage theory and searches of risk neutral position.

Feature 04

Market Data

Request for Quote (RFQ) or request for streaming (RFS). How to FIX the REST to make it FAST. And control of bid-offer spread width when building candlesticks.

Feature 05

Assets & Liabilities

Close look at cashflows to put under control risks of loss from not paying a liability on time. How banks handle their momey and how to make profit on carry trading.

Feature 06

Liquidity & Volatility

Lack of short term liquidity and insidious volatility smile. Volatile crypto arbitrage and deep pockets of liquidity providers as graceful protection from short squeeze.

Unlimited for all

Get the whole bundle of fintech libs in one place to get maximum benefits from intensive boost in knowledges about finance and invest smarter with detailed control over the market risk and pnl changes using MD connectors.

What access you will get
  • Access to crypto exchanges
    (Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, Bitstamp)
  • Access to banks/brokers API (Revolut, Tinkoff)
  • Access to reference data of European and Russian central banks
  • Publications about fintech products, arcitecture and libraries

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